Ronnie Hawkins

In 1961 Ginni & Ronnie Hawkins did a show at the Palace in Hamilton fronting Robby Lane & the Disciples. Before the show started Hawkins passed out on a heap of cardboard and never did make it on stage, but he did wake up after the show & seeing Ginni said "...hey Momma! Some of us fixin' to have a party down t' the MOtel. Y'all want to join us?" Ginni, a hard drinking, hard smoking, tough little 16 year old said "No way! I don't want to be just another number in your 'little black book'" Hawkins, completely unfazed of course, came back with, "Sheeit Mama! I aint got no 'little black book'. I just fuck 'em and forget about 'em!", and lurched off into the night.

  • Hi Gary Thanks for that tip about Yonge St stories - we'll catch that for sure!

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